19:00:31 <jillr> #startmeeting Ansible Diversity Working Group | Agenda:
19:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 15 19:00:31 2021 UTC.
19:00:31 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:00:31 <zodbot> The chair is jillr. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_diversity_working_group_|_agenda:_'
19:00:39 <cybette> o/
19:00:43 <tadeboro> o/
19:00:47 <misc> o/
19:00:53 <jillr> #chair cybette tadeboro misc
19:00:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: cybette jillr misc tadeboro
19:01:01 <jillr> hey y'all
19:01:17 <jillr> #topic D&I at PyCon US 2021
19:01:55 <cybette> #link PyCon 2021 US
19:02:14 <cybette> I can't remember if I mentioned this in an earlier meeting, but we were unable to sponsor the pyladies auction. by the time I confirmed with robyn about the budget etc. and tried to contact PSF, the sponsorship opportunity was claimed by someone else.
19:02:43 <jillr> :(  that's too bad
19:03:24 <cybette> however, we (Red Hat) have a booth at pycon and I proposed that we highlight some D&I efforts at the booth (both what RH is doing as well as Ansible Community)
19:04:27 <cybette> jillr and I will join the planning meetings next week to discuss details, but in the meantime, any ideas what we can showcase? (links, videos, docs etc.)
19:04:46 <cybette> (it's still a virtual event...)
19:06:01 <misc> I guess that this would be the right place to ask to people what we could do, but I suspect that 1) that's going to be a lot more work 2) this would be asking to people who are already in the industry so kinda biased
19:06:23 <misc> (and 3) I suspect we are not out of ideas on what to do :/ )
19:06:46 <cybette> yeah
19:07:08 <misc> we could make them do a test run of a survey :p
19:07:29 <cybette> haha great idea :D
19:08:15 <cybette> well we can incentivize them with some small swag items
19:08:19 <thedoubl3j> o/
19:08:23 <jillr> what sorts of things would we want to ask? Awareness type things, or more specific feedback?
19:08:29 <jillr> #chair thedoubl3j
19:08:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: cybette jillr misc tadeboro thedoubl3j
19:08:29 <cybette> #chair thedoubl3j
19:08:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: cybette jillr misc tadeboro thedoubl3j
19:08:55 <misc> yeah, say "tell us what you think about this draft and get a sticker")
19:09:17 <thedoubl3j> I was just about to add that cybette, wasn't sure what that situation looked like since it was virtual and the logistics of getting things places
19:10:00 <tadeboro> I guess thedoubl3j is a couch with 8 legs now? ;)
19:10:09 <cybette> I will be able to ship out stuff to tens of people if needed
19:10:51 <cybette> (but yeah I can't wait until we can have in-person events again, I won't even complain about jetlag)
19:11:29 <misc> same, except I would complain about jetlag
19:11:33 <cybette> :D
19:11:42 <jillr> cybette: do we know if there are D&I booth things planned for Summit we can take ideas from?
19:11:55 <jillr> I'm sure we'll cover that in the call next week though
19:12:54 <cybette> jillr: I'll need to ask, I don't think they have covered anything D&I specific in the general summit planning (readouts)
19:13:38 <cybette> right we can ask that in next week's call
19:15:32 <jillr> misc: what kind of draft were you thinking of?  a draft of some kind of plan, or..?
19:15:36 * samccann strolls in late as usual
19:15:42 <jillr> #chair samccann
19:15:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: cybette jillr misc samccann tadeboro thedoubl3j
19:15:47 <cybette> hi samccann !
19:17:25 <samccann> scrolling way back - things we could emphasize that the community has done - both docs and code made the conscious language changes recommended by Red Hat
19:18:09 <misc> jillr: I think there was discussion on doing a survey for the CoC and meetup
19:18:13 <samccann> so no more blacklist etc in Ansible (though we don't control collections using this)
19:18:20 <jillr> good call, I think we still have half a blog written about that which I could honestly use a lot of help with if we still want to do it
19:18:36 <jillr> misc: yeah that's also blocking on me  :(
19:18:52 <cybette> samccann: good ideas, thanks!
19:18:56 <jillr> I'm not a great writer and there's been some stuff that's taken a lot of my time and bandwidth lately
19:19:43 <misc> yeah, writing can be hard, I totally get that
19:19:45 <cybette> jillr: you're not alone, the contrib summit blog post is pending on me as well...
19:19:50 <jillr> I could move the blog draft from google docs to hackmd if folks want to work on it there
19:20:07 <cybette> worth a go!
19:21:55 <jillr>
19:22:12 <jillr> there's probably a bunch of things that need to be cleaned up in there, but that's a raw dump
19:22:41 <jillr> we'd talked a bit internally iirc about maybe submitting it to instead of putting it though the Ansible blog review process
19:22:45 <jillr> oh, #link
19:23:43 <jillr> but, if we could get it into the world somewhere before pycon we could promote it there
19:24:33 <cybette> yeah osdc could work, although I could probably help push it through the Ansible blog process (I have 2 other posts in the pipeline)
19:24:57 <jillr> +1 I don't personally have a preference either way
19:25:09 <samccann> Ansible blog seems a good place/fit, but dunno how hard it is to get it out there in time etc
19:26:13 <tadeboro> Getting thins published on Ansible blog got quite a bit more complicated latelly. things tend to go over faster.
19:26:45 <samccann> yeah I don't have super strong feelings either way.
19:26:54 <cybette> it's 4 weeks to pycon, if we can get the blog post done in the next 2 weeks, it's still possible
19:27:11 <jillr> I can do reviews (both copy/line edits and content/structural) pretty easily and whenever, but I don't know if I can commit to writing new copy in the new couple weeks
19:27:19 <jillr> *next couple
19:28:31 <cybette> I hesitate to volunteer as I have RH summit and kubecon coming up.. (one after another right before pycon)
19:29:15 <samccann> I pinged alicia to see if she's up for an edit of jillr's draft. She's far better at blog joy than I am
19:29:29 <cybette> thanks samccann !
19:29:37 <samccann> but she's out today so may not hear back till..erm.. Monday
19:29:49 <jillr> thanks samccann! we can also ask around internally, we have a D&I group inside RH Ansible as well
19:30:07 <cybette> +1
19:32:13 <jillr> So we'll see if we can find folks to write words over the next week, as well as talk to RH events about coordinating some D&I ideas for the pycon booth,
19:32:41 <jillr> cybette and I can drop an update in this channel and the agenda sometime next week when we have traction on those things, in advance of the next meeting
19:33:03 <cybette> +1 what jillr said
19:33:16 <samccann> cool
19:33:50 <jillr> any other ideas for things we could try to do as a community for Pycon US?
19:35:20 <thedoubl3j> possibly promote this meeting/wg? get the wiki/other descriptors out there? (if they aren't already)
19:35:49 <jillr> we do have a wiki but it could also probably use some writing
19:36:05 <jillr> #link
19:36:28 <jillr> and we should definitely promote this group
19:38:41 <misc> there is
19:39:37 <misc> I think they are looking at doing some monthly meeting (in case someone want more video calls)
19:40:03 <misc> (the telegram channel is a bit more active than the forum)
19:40:08 <jillr> yeah I'm going to be a No on more video calls  :)  but this is really cool, thanks misc!
19:40:24 <cybette> I've been wanting to join some of their meeting but last I checked they clashed with some of my meetings :P
19:41:04 <cybette> although I'm lurking in their telegram group (or the matrix bridge to it)
19:45:28 <jillr> #topic open floor
19:49:21 <cybette> very lively group we are today! ;)
19:49:27 <jillr> hehe  :)
19:49:35 <jillr> we can probably call it for today
19:49:39 <jillr> thanks everyone!
19:49:43 <jillr> #endmeeting